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  • 6 » Questions and answers... Funny Jokes, Comic & Humor

    Q: Why did the chicken cross the beach?
    A: To get to the other tide.

    2009/07/25 18:41 - Saturday » jokes, dirty jokes, clean jokes, humor, comic

  • 7 » Questions and answers... Funny Jokes, Comic & Humor

    Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
    A: Chickens hadn't evolved yet.

    2009/07/25 18:41 - Saturday » jokes, dirty jokes, clean jokes, humor, comic

  • 8 » Questions and answers... Funny Jokes, Comic & Humor

    Q: Diner: I can't eat this chicken. Call the manager.
    A: Waiter: It's no use. He can't eat it either.

    Q: Which side of a chicken has the most feathers?
    A: The outside.

    Q: What do you get when you cross a parrot with a centipede?
    A: A walkie-talkie, of course.

    Q: Have you heard of that disease that you get from kissing birds?
    A: Chirpes. It's one of those canarial diseases. I hear it's untweetable.

    Q: Why don't they play poker in the jungle?
    A: Too many cheetahs.

    Q: What is the difference between a cat and a comma?
    A: One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause.

    Q: Where do dogs go when they lose their tails?
    A: To the retail store.

    Q: What kind of dog tells time?
    A: A watch dog.

    2009/07/25 18:45 - Saturday » jokes, dirty jokes, clean jokes, humor, comic

  • 9 » Questions and answers... Funny Jokes, Comic & Humor

    Q: What has four legs and an arm?
    A: A happy pit bull.

    Q: Why is a tree like a dog?
    A: Because they both lose their bark when they die.

    Q: Did you hear about the cowboy who got himself a dachshund?
    A: Everyone kept telling him to get a long, little doggie.

    Q: What is the difference between a rottweiler and a social worker?
    A: It is easier to get your kids back from a rotweiler!

    Q: Did you hear about the new breed in pet shops?
    A: They crossed a pit bull with a collie; it bites your leg off and goes for help.

    Q: How do you know if there is an elephant under the bed?
    A: Your nose is touching the ceiling.

    Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros?
    A: Elephino.

    2009/07/25 18:45 - Saturday » jokes, dirty jokes, clean jokes, humor, comic

  • 10 » Questions and answers... Funny Jokes, Comic & Humor

    Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a kangaroo?
    A: Holes all over Australia.

    Q: What do you get if you cross an elephant with a whale?
    A: A submarine with a built-in snorkel.

    Q: Why did the elephant cross the road?
    A: Chicken's day off.

    Q: Why do elephants have trunks?
    A: Because they would look silly with glove compartments.

    Q: Why do elephants drink so much?
    A: To try to forget.

    Q: How can you tell if an elephant is getting ready to charge?
    A: He pull out his Diners' Club card.

    Q: What do you get when two giraffes collide?
    A: A giraffic jam.

    2009/07/25 18:48 - Saturday » jokes, dirty jokes, clean jokes, humor, comic

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